About TTV News

Production of the daily hour-long nationwide Mandarin news program requires communication between many different parties and collaboration between reporting teams from the East and West coasts. The Eastern and Western Canada reporting teams work as one entity to bring audiences the most up to date hot news topics across Canada. Aside from international news and news from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, Talentvision also takes into consideration the different needs of audiences from various regions. Therefore, both news departments produce daily local segments as well to keep TV viewers posted on happenings in their own communities. Talented professionals use digital technology for the production and broadcasting of daily news programs to bring audiences news from all over the world.
Talentvision’s news department is located on the third floor of Aberdeen Centre in Richmond B.C.. The studio features an open and spacious design with floor to ceiling windows that showcase a beautiful cityscape. Mall visitors passing by the hallway can also see through the studio to experience news in production and be brought closer to their favourite news anchors. This has become one highlight of Aberdeen Centre.